How to Use Neemo Finance Testnet

Here's a quick guide on how to use the Neemo Finance app. Currently, you can access the testnet version on Shibuya and participate in Timelocked Staking. Check out the testnet here.

Step 1: Head to Neemo Finance App

Head to the app here. Click on “Connect Wallet”. You can use any wallet of your choice for this. Once you have connected your wallet, you’ll need testnet SBY tokens to stake.

Step 2: Collect SBY from faucet

You can access the SBY faucet by clicking the “Faucet” button in the top-left corner of the app.

When you are on the faucet screen, click on the droplet icon as below.

Complete the captcha test, and you’ll receive 10 SBY tokens in your connected wallet. Once you receive the tokens, head back to the app.

Step 3: Stake your SBY. Add nsSBY to wallet.

Enter the amount of SBY that you want to stake on the app. Once done, click on the “Stake” button. Give the wallet approval requests as prompted.

Once done, you’ll be notified that the stake is successful in the bottom-right of the screen. Now, scroll down to find the “Add nsSBY to your wallet”. Click on it to see the nsSBY token reflected in your wallet.

Step 4: Initiate withdrawal request

Currently, we have only enabled Timelocked staking mode on the testnet. Thus, when you stake your assets they get Timelocked for the entire 121-day period for both the Voting and Build&Earn Subperiods. While you cannot instantly withdraw your assets, you can initiate Withdrawal Requests.

To do that, toggle the “Withdraw” tab. Enter the amount you wish to unstake and click on “Withdraw”.

Once you have initiated the withdrawal request, it will reflect in the “Pending Requests” queue. You can decide to alter the withdrawal amount or cancel any of the requests. Use the slider to do it!

The best part? You earn staking rewards even after you have submitted the unstaking request!

Last updated